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Deployment → production (with deps via local copy)

This third strategy involves deployment to a production server with dependencies right from your deployment machine via a local copy.

This strategy is similar to strategy two, with the exception that the production server does not need access to your git repository to be able to install dependencies.

As with case two the deployment server (which may just be your local computer) must have access to the git repository (remote or not), and be able to pull from it.

The deployment server must also have ssh access to the production server:

This method currently works only with Symfony2 and Composer.

# deploy.rb

set   :application,   "My App"
set   :deploy_to,     "/var/www/"
set   :domain,        ""

set   :scm,              :git
set   :repository,       "file:///Users/deployer/sites/my-app"
set   :deploy_via,       :capifony_copy_local
set   :use_composer,     true
set   :use_composer_tmp, true

role  :web,           domain
role  :app,           domain, :primary => true

set   :use_sudo,      false
set   :keep_releases, 3

In this case, on every cap deploy, capifony will:

For more detail run with the following in your deploy.rb:

# deploy.rb

# Be more verbose by uncommenting the following line

logger.level = Logger::MAX_LEVEL

Copying the whole project and its dependencies on every deploy is very expensive and slow, but will give you the advantage of production servers not requiring access to private github repositories.

NOTE: This method uses a custom strategy located in lib/capistrano/recipes/deploy/strategy/capifony_copy_local.rb that extends the default capistrano copy strategy. The test suite does not currently support testing of the ruby run_locally method, therefore this deployment strategy may break if the capistrano copy strategy is changed.

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