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Capistrano Configuration Reference

Capistrano is highly configurable, and any option that exists for Capistrano also exists for capifony.

By default, capifony will ssh with your current system user, but you can change this behavior with set :user parameter:

set :user, "deployer"

If you’re using your own private keys for git, you might want to tell Capistrano to use agent forwarding (which means that the production server uses your local keys to pull from git):

ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true

You can also tell cap the exact branch to pull from during deployment:

set :branch, "v0.2.0"

If you’re using git submodules, you must tell cap to fetch them:

set :git_enable_submodules, 1

If you connect to your production server using a non-traditional port, set the port manually:

ssh_options[:port] = "22123"

If you are not allowed sudo ability on your host you can use the following configuration:

set :use_sudo, false

If your host complains about the entire project being group-writable, add the following configuration:

set :group_writable, false

You can use the cap deploy:cleanup task to delete old releases on the server. By default, Capifony will keep the last 5 releases. You can choose to keep a different number of releases by setting the keep_releases parameter:

set :keep_releases, 3

Since capifony 2.1.8, the verbosity has been reduced, and human readable messages are printed, so that you can easily follow the deployment process. If you want to change this behavior, configure the logger in your deploy.rb file:

# INFO      = 1
# DEBUG     = 2
# TRACE     = 3
logger.level = Logger::MAX_LEVEL

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